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Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model



Active Ingredient: Copper Sulphate Equivalent to Metallic Copper 65.82 g/L

Formulation: Suspension Concentrate (SC)



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Crop name

Harmful Organism Name

Application Dosage

The time between the last application and the harvest


Pear scab ( Venturia pirina)

125ml/100L water

21 days

Link *

Vineyard downy mildew ( Plasmopara viticola )

50ml/100L water

7 days


Mildew ( Phytophthora infestans )

150ml/100L water

7 days


Apple smudged ( Venturia inaequalis )

125ml/100L water

21 days

Citrus Fruits

Brown spot ( Alternaria alternative f.sp.citri )

250ml/100L water

14 days


Ring spot on olives ( Spilocaea oleginea = Cyclogonium ( oleaginum )

125ml/100L water

14 days


Leaf miner (freckle) ( Wilsonomyces carpophylus = Stigmina carpophila )

125ml/100L water

10 days


Flower monilia ( Monilinia laxa = Sclerotinia ( laxa )

125ml/100L water

7 days


Brown spot on pomegranate ( Alternaria (alternative )

125ml/100L water

14 days

*It is not used in vineyard areas where vine leaves will be harvested for consumption purposes.

Usage Form

Pear Dark Spot :

1st application : When the flower buds swell (3-5 days before in places with branch rows),

2nd application : During the Pink-White rosette bud stage (when flowers are seen separately),

3rd application : When 70-80% of the flower petals fall,

4. and other applications: In cases where ecological conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease, the product should be applied by taking into account the duration of effect.


Vineyard Mildew :

 1st application : It should be applied when the shoot length is 25-30 cm.

2nd application: It should be applied at 10-11 day intervals depending on the duration of effect of the product.

Tomato - Mildew : Application is started when the first disease symptoms are seen and applications are continued at one-week intervals.

Apple Smudger :

1st application : When the flower buds swell (3-5 days before in places with branch rows),

2nd application : During the pink flower bud period (when the flowers are seen separately),

3rd application : When 70-80% of the flower petals fall,

4. and other applications: In cases where ecological conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease, the product should be applied at 10-day intervals, taking into account the duration of effect.

Citrus Fruits - Brown Spot: Application is started when the shoots start to develop and are approximately 5-10 cm long and the first signs of disease are seen. Application is continued at 10-11 day intervals until the fruit is approximately 4 cm.

Ring Spot on Olives:

In the Aegean region

1st application : Just before autumn shoots appear,

2nd application : Just before spring shoots appear,

3rd application : It is done after the flower buds become apparent and before the flowers open.

In the Marmara region

1st application : Just before autumn shoots appear,

2nd application: It is done after the flower buds become apparent and before the flowers open.

In the Mediterranean region

1st application : After harvest,

2nd application : Just before spring shoots appear,

3. Application: It is done after the flower buds become apparent and before the flowers open.

All applications should be made before or immediately after rainfall.

Apricot-Leaf Piercing (freckle):

1st application : It is done in autumn ( dormant period) immediately after the leaf period.

2nd application : It is done in spring before the flower buds open (during the pink flower bud period).

3rd application: It is done while the sepal and stamen plate of the fruits are being stripped to the tip of the fruit.

Cherry- Flower Monilla :

1st application : At the beginning of flowering (5-10% in flower)

2nd application : In full bloom (90-100% flower)

Brown Spot on Pomegranate:

1st application : When flower buds begin to appear,

2nd application : When the petals start to fall,

3rd application: It is done when the fruits reach half their size.

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