Open Field Vegetables (Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplants, Cucumbers, Melons, Watermelons, Zucchini, etc.)
200-300 mL/da Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
Greenhouse Vegetables (Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplants, Cucumbers, Melons, Watermelons, Zucchini, etc.)
200-300 mL/100 L water Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
Pome Fruits (Apples, Pears, etc.)
250-300 mL/100 L water Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
Stone Fruits (Cherries, Plums, Peaches, Apricots, etc.)
250-300 mL/100 L water Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
Citrus and Olive Trees
250-300 mL/100 L water Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
Cut Flowers
50-100 mL/100 L water Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
Vineyards (Strawberries, Grapes, etc.)
200-300 mL/100 L water Before the petal stage, and if deficiency persists
0.5-1 L/da Before and after the petal stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
Industrial Crops (Sunflowers, Cotton, Corn, Sugar Beets, Potatoes, Tobacco, Soybeans, Canola, etc.)
300 mL/da Starting from the 4–6 leaf stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Starting from the 4–6 leaf stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
Cereals (Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rice)
250-300 mL/100 L water Starting from the tillering stage, at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Starting from the tillering stage, at 7–10 day intervals
Green Areas (Alfalfa, Vetch, Sainfoin, Tea, etc.)
200-300 mL/100 L water Starting from the 4–6 leaf stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Starting from the 4–6 leaf stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
Legumes (Beans, Chickpeas, Lentils, etc.)
200-300 mL/100 L water Starting from the 4–6 leaf stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals
0.5-1 L/da Starting from the 4–6 leaf stage, 2–3 applications at 7–10 day intervals