Home Product Dark Blue 50 WP

Dark Blue 50 WP

Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model



Active Ingredient: 50% Captan

Formulation: Wettable Powder (WP)



Security Information Form


Crop name


Harmful organism name

Application dose

The time between the last application and the harvest


black spot ( Venturia pomace )

150g/100L water

14 days


Apple scab ( Venturia inaequalis )

150g/100L water

14 days


Pocket disease in plums ( Taphrina pruni )

300g/100L water

14 days

Peach, Cherry, Sour Cherry

Flower monilia ( Monilia laxa = Sclerotinia ( laxa )

300g/100L water

14 days

Peach, Apricot

Leaf miner (freckle) ( Wilsonomyces carpophylus )

300g/100L water

14 days

Citrus Fruits

Brown rot and stem gluing in citrus fruits ( Phytophthora citrophthora )

300 g/100 L water fruit infections

28 days


Loquat black spot ( Venturia inaequalis var. eriobotryae )

300g/100L water

14 days


Dead arm in the vineyard ( Phomopsis viticola )**

250g/100L water

28 days

Grape downy mildew ( Plasmopara viticola )

300g/100L water

28 days

***Vegetable Seedlings

Damping-off root rot ( Pythium spp ., Rhizoctonia spp ., Fusarium spp ., Alternaria spp ., Sclerotinia spp .)

200-250g/100L water

28 days


Downy Mildew ( Phytophthora infestans )

300g/100L water

14 days

Leaf mold ( Cladosporium fulvum )

250g/100L water

14 days

Grey mold ( Botrytis cinerea )

250g/100L water

14 days


Lettuce downy mildew ( Bremia lactucae )

300g/100L water

28 days


Onion downy mildew ( Peronospora destructor )

300g/100L water

28 days


Downy Mildew ( Phytophthora infestans )

350g/100L water

28 days


Clove rust ( Uromyces caryophyllus )

250g/100L water

14 days

Tobacco (Seedling)

Damping-off root rot ( Pythium spp ., Rhizoctonia spp ., Fusarium spp ., Alternaria spp ., Sclerotinia spp .)

200g/100L water

28 days

* Used in summer application.

**Not used in vineyard areas where vine leaves will be harvested for consumption purposes.

***The two doses given in seedling applications vary according to disease intensity and plant vegetation period .

Usage Form

Pear Black Spot : If there is no branch striae;

1st application: When the flower eyes swell,

2nd application: During the white badge period,

3rd application: When 70-80% of the flower petals have fallen,

4th and other applications: Should be done at 8-10 day intervals depending on weather conditions and the course of the disease.

Apple Smudger : If there is no branch row; 

1st application: When the flower eyes swell,

2nd application: During the pink flower bud period (when the flowers are seen separately),

3rd application: When 70-80% of the flower petals have fallen,

4th and other applications: It is done at 10-day intervals depending on whether the ecological conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.

Pocket Disease in Plums: 

1st application: During the bud swell period,

2nd application: It should be done when 80% of the flower petals have fallen.

Flower Monilla (Peach, Cherry, Sour Cherry):

1st application: At the beginning of flowering (5-10% in flowers),

2nd application: At full bloom (90-100% flower)

Peach Leaf Miner (Freckle):

1st application: Immediately after leaf fall in autumn,

2nd application: It is done in spring when the flower buds swell, before the flowers open.

Apricot Leaf Piercing:

1st application: Immediately after leaf fall in autumn,

2nd application: Before the flower buds open in spring (during the pink flower bud period),

3rd application: It should be done while the sepal and stamen plate of the fruits are being stripped to the tip of the fruit.

Formation in Citrus Fruits :

Against Fruit Infections:

1st application : Should be done before the rains start in autumn.

2nd application : If the weather is rainy, it should be done 15 days after the 1st application.

Trunk and Root Infections:

In cases of trunk or root collar infections, one application is made. The bark at the wound site should be completely cleaned with a clean knife and especially the parts of the tree crown up to 1-1.5 meters high should be thoroughly medicated.

Loquat Black Spot :

1st application : Before the flower buds swell in autumn,

2nd application : Before flower buds open,

3rd application: After the flower petals fall,

4th and other applications : Should be made at 10-day intervals from the 3rd application until 20 days before harvest.

Dead Arm in the Vineyard : 

Summer Practice :

1st application : When the shoots are 2-3 cm,

2nd application : When the shoots are 8-10 cm,

3rd application: It should be done when the shoots reach 25-30 cm.

Vineyard Mildew :

1st application: It should be started when the shoots reach 25-30 cm.

2nd and other applications: Applications should be made at 10-15 day intervals, taking into account the duration of the 1st drug, the development of the disease and meteorological factors.

Root Rot in Vegetables (Damping-Off): Application is started when the disease is seen in the seedling and is repeated 2-3 times at one-week intervals until the disease stops.

Tomato Mildew : The fight is started when brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm appear on the surrounding tomato leaves and a white ash-like coating appears under them, or when conditions are suitable for the disease in places where the disease occurs every year. Applications are continued at 10-12 day intervals depending on the course of the disease and climatic conditions.

Tomato Leaf Mold: Application is started when the first spots appear on the leaves. It is repeated at 10-15 day intervals. Application should be stopped 15-20 days before harvest.

Tomato Grey Mold: Chemical control against the disease is done by spraying green parts. Spraying is started when the first signs of the disease are seen in the environment.

Lettuce Mildew : A protective application should be made before the disease is seen in the seedlings. If mildew is seen, the diseased parts should be collected and destroyed, and then the applications should be continued at one-week intervals until the seedlings are transplanted to the field. During the field period, the application should be started when the disease is seen in the environment and should be continued at one-week intervals until at least one week before harvest. Application should be made in the seedlings after irrigation is done and the leaves have dried.

Onion Mildew : Daily average temperature If the fight needs to begin when the temperature reaches 16 0 C and the relative humidity reaches 80%, applications are started when the first signs of disease are detected in the environment.

Potato Mildew : Application is started when climatic conditions such as high humidity are suitable for the disease outbreak or when the first disease symptoms are seen in the environment and the application is repeated at 10-day intervals depending on the severity of the disease.

Carnation Rust: Application should be started before the flowers are placed in the row and applications should be made at 10-day intervals. should be done.

Tobacco Dampening (on seedlings): Application is started when the disease is observed after the seedlings have emerged.

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