Home Product Culvin Opti

Culvin Opti

Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model



Active Ingredient: Copper Hydroxide Equivalent to 30% Metallic Copper

Formulation: Water Dispersible Granules (WG)



Security Information Form


Crop name

Harmful Organism Name

Application Dosage

The time between the last application and the harvest

Link *

Vineyard downy mildew ( Plasmopara viticola )

150 gr /100 L water

21 days


Mildew ( Phytopthora infestans )

150 gr /100 L water

3 days

Early leaf blight ( Alternaria )


Leaf piercing (freckle) ( Wilsonomyces carpophylus = Stigmina carpophila )

1st application: 350 gr / 100 L water, 2nd application: 175 gr / 100 L water, 3rd application: 175 gr / 100 L water

14 days


Ring spot on olives ( Spilocea oleginea = Cyclogonium ( oleaginum )

175 gr /100 L water

14 days


Apple smudged ( Venturia inaequalis )

175 gr /100 L water

21 days

*Cannot be used in vineyard areas where vine leaves will be harvested for consumption purposes.

Usage Form

Vineyard Mildew :

1st application : It should be applied when the shoot length is 25-30 cm.

2nd and other applications: Should be made 15 days after the first application. Applications should be made when suitable conditions for disease infection occur, taking into account meteorological factors such as daily temperature and rainfall averages of the region, relative humidity, and dew, and applications should be stopped when the conditions disappear.

Tomato - Mildew : Application is started when brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm and a white ash-like conidia cover on the lower surface of tomato leaves are seen in the surrounding area. Application is continued at 7-10 day intervals depending on the severity of the disease and climatic conditions.

Tomato - Early Leaf Blight: Application should be started as soon as the first spots appear, both in the seedling and in the field. When the climatic conditions are suitable for disease development, application is continued at 10-day intervals depending on the course of the disease and climatic conditions.

Apricot-Leaf Piercing (freckle):

1st application : It is done immediately after the leaf period in autumn.

2nd application : It is done in spring before the flower buds open (during the pink flower bud period).

3rd application: It is done while the sepal and stamen plate of the fruits are being stripped to the tip of the fruit.

Ring Spot on Olives:

In the Aegean region

1st application : Just before autumn shoots appear,

2nd application : Just before spring shoots appear,

3rd application : It is done after the flower buds become apparent and before the flowers open.

In the Marmara region

1st application : Just before autumn shoots appear,

2nd application: It is done after the flower buds become apparent and before the flowers open.

In the Mediterranean region

1st application : After harvest,

2nd application : Just before spring shoots appear,

3. Application: It is done after the flower buds become apparent and before the flowers open.

* All applications must be made before or immediately after rainfall.

Apple Smudger

1st application : When the flower buds swell (3-5 days before in places with branch rows),

2nd application : During the pink flower bud period (when the flowers are seen separately),

3rd application : When 70-80% of the flower petals fall,

4. and other applications: In cases where ecological conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease, the product should be applied at 10-day intervals, taking into account the duration of effect.

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