Home Product ACS Otstop 48 SL

ACS Otstop 48 SL

Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model

Herbicide (Weed Killer)


Active Ingredient: 480 g/l Glyphosate Isopropylamine Salt

Formulation: Water Soluble Concentrate (SL)



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Crop name

Harmful Organism Name

Application Dosage and Time

Citrus Fruits, Hazelnuts, Vineyards*, Orchards and non-cultivated areas

Annual narrow and broad-leaved weeds

300 ml/da

It is applied when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after planting in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made pre-emergence.)

AmaranthRed-rooted foxtailGreen amaranthSterling wild oatsSterling bromeVinegarBambul grassWild carrotSpotted barnyard barnyard
spurgeCranberryHoney beakHoney beakMeadow damselPrayer
basilEgyptian mustardBirdseedPurslaneField
buttercupCanary grassGreen hedgehog milletWild mustardCow grassWild vetchChain cockleburPig cocklebur

( Alopecurus myosuroides )
( Amaranthus albus )
( Amaranthus retroflexus )
( Amaranthus viridis )
( Avena sterilis )
( Bromus sterilis )
( Chenopodium album )
( Chrozophora tinctoria )
( Daucus carota )
( Echinochloa colonum )
( Echinochloa crus-galli )
( Euphorbia spp .)
( Geranium dissectum )
( Lamium amplexicaule )
( Lathyrus nissolia )
( Lathyrus pratensis )
( Malva neglecta )
(Medicago polymorpha )
( Mercuralis annua )
( Ochthodium aegyptiacum )
( Phalaris spp .)
( Portulaca oleracea )
( Ranunculus arvensis )
( Senecio vulgaris)
( Setaria viridis )
( Sinapis (
Stellaria​​ media )
( Vicia spp )
( Xanthium spinosum )
( Xanthium strumarium )

Perennial narrow and broad-leaved weeds

600 ml/da

It is applied when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after planting in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made pre-emergence.)

Wild wormwood Field
ivy Buckthorn Dogtooth weed
Cannabis ( Gelic )
Large nettle

( Artemisia vulgaris)
( Convolvulus arvensis )
( Cyperus rotundus )
( Cynodon dactylon )
( Sorghum (Halepense )
( Urtica diocia )

Highways, railways, airports, factory gardens, historical areas, field edges, etc.

Against shrubby and woody plants

1000 ml/da

During the active growth phase of weeds

water and drainage channels

Weeds on banks and above water

1000-1500 ml/da

During the active growth phase of weeds

* It cannot be used in vineyard areas where vine leaves will be harvested for consumption purposes.

Usage Form

The best results are obtained when weeds are actively growing. Care should be taken not to pulverize the plant protection product solution onto the green parts of cultivated plants and the green bark of young seedlings that have not yet lignified. Since ACS OTSTOP 48 SL is a systemic plant protection product, no soil cultivation that will damage weeds should be carried out for at least 4-5 days after application in order for the product to penetrate into the weeds.

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