Home Product ACS Maxsulphur 80 WG

ACS Maxsulphur 80 WG

Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model

Fungicide (Fungicide) - Acaricide (Red Spider Killer)


Active Ingredient: 80% Sulfur

Formulation: Water Dispersible Granules (WG)

Packaging: 20 Kg



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Powdery mildew ( Erysiphe necator )

400g/100L water

Vine leaf mite ( Eriophyes ( vitis )

490g/100L water


Apple Powdery Mildew ( Podosphaera leucotricha )

400g/100L Water


Peach powdery mildew ( Sphaerotheca (pannosa )

400g/100L water


Rose powdery mildew ( Sphaerotheca (pannosa var. rosae )

400g/100L water


Begonia powdery mildew ( Microsphaera begonia )

300-350g/ 100L water


Chickpea anthracnose ( Ascochyta rabiei )

300g/100L water


Onion downy mildew (Peronospora destructor )

300g/100L water


Bean rust ( Uromyces appendiculatus )

300g/100L water


Powdery mildew on cucurbits ( Erysiphe cichoracearum )

400g/100L water

Citrus Fruits*

Citrus red spider ( Panonychus (citri )

600g/100L Water

Citrus bud mite ( Aceria sheldon )

600g/100L Water


Powdery mildew in nightshade ( Leveillula Taurica )

400g/100L Water

* There should be at least a 1-month period between using sulfur-based medicines and summer oils.

Usage Form

Powdery Mildew in Vineyards:

1. Spraying: Before flowering, when the shoots are 25-30 cm,

2nd spraying : During the period when flower buds are separated before flowering,

3rd spraying: When the flower petals fall and the grapes are the size of small pellets,

4th and other sprayings: After the third spraying, it is done until the veraison period of the grains, depending on the duration of effect of the drug used.

Vineyard Leaf Scab: Since the pesticide used against vineyard powdery mildew also controls this pest, no special spraying is required against vineyard leaf scab.

Apple Powdery Mildew:

1st spraying: During the pink flower bud period,

2nd spraying: When 60-70% of the petals have fallen,

3. and other sprayings : Sprayings are continued as long as the conditions suitable for the disease continue, taking into account the duration of effect of the drug used.

Peach Powdery Mildew :

1st spraying : It should be determined according to the intensity of the disease in previous years. If the disease appears for the first time in the garden, spraying should be started as soon as the symptoms are seen. If the disease has been seen in previous years, if the rate of diseased shoots on the trees reaches 1/3 in the checks to be made after pruning, the first spraying should be done before the symptoms are seen.

2nd and other pesticide applications: Spraying is continued until the infection conditions are eliminated, taking into account the development of the plant and the duration of effect of the preparation used .

Rose Powdery Mildew: The first spraying should be done when leaves and buds start to form. Spraying should be done in the cool of the morning, in windless and rainless weather, and the entire surface of the plant should be sprayed. Spraying can be repeated depending on the duration of effect of the drug used and the course of the disease.

Begonia Powdery Mildew: Start when the first symptoms appear on the leaves. Spraying is repeated at one-week intervals.

Chickpea Anthracnose :

Seed treatment: It should be applied on the day of seed sowing.

Green parts spraying: Although spraying should be started when the daily average temperature is 10 0 C and the relative humidity is at least 80%, it should be started practically when the first symptoms of the disease are seen in the region. Spraying is continued by taking into account the severity of the disease, climatic conditions and the duration of the drug's effectiveness. If there is heavy rain on the day of application, spraying should be repeated.

Onion Mildew : Although the fight should begin when the daily average temperature reaches 16 0 C and the relative humidity reaches 80%, spraying can be started when the first signs of disease are detected in the environment.

Bean Rust: In the Environment bean Spraying should be started as soon as rust pustules appear on the leaves of the plants and should be continued by taking into account the severity of the disease, climatic conditions and the duration of the drug's effectiveness. When the disease is seen during the ripening period of dry beans, there is no need for spraying as it does not cause economic product losses.

Powdery Mildew in Cucurbitaceae : Spraying is started when the first disease symptoms are seen. Spraying should be continued depending on the severity of the disease, climatic conditions and the duration of the drug's effectiveness. Spraying should be paused when the daily average temperature is above 27 0 C and the relative humidity is below 50%.

Citrus Red Spider: Spraying should be started before the pest moves to the young shoots, that is, before flowering. If this stage has been passed, spraying can be done one week after the fruit is set. The inside and outside of the trees, the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves should be sprayed thoroughly. Spraying should not be done in the early morning hours due to the hottest part of the day and dew on the leaves.

Citrus Bud Mite: In gardens known to be infested with the pest, spraying is done in late March and early April when the shoots are 8-10 cm in spring, depending on the climate conditions, when the transition from old buds to new buds is the highest. Spraying is repeated 20-25 days after the first spraying.

Powdery Mildew in Solanaceae: Spraying is started when the first symptoms are seen in the field. 3-5 applications are made at 10-day intervals depending on the climatic conditions and the course of the disease.

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