Home Product ACS Incubus

ACS Incubus

Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model

Acaricide (Red Spider Killer)


Active Ingredient: 240 g/L Bifenazate 

Formulation: Flowable Concentrate/Suspension Concentrate (SC)



Security Information Form


Crop name

Harmful Organism name

Application Dosage and Period

The time between the last application and the harvest

CARNATION (Ornamental Plant)

Cotton spider ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus )

60ml /da

1 day

TOMATOES (Field-Greenhouse)

Two-spotted spider ( Tetranychus  urticaria )


(larva, nymph , adult)

1 day

Cotton red spider ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus )


Two-spotted spider ( Tetranychus urticaria )

60ml/100L water

(larva, nymph , adult)

1 day

Cotton red spider ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus )


Two-spotted spider ( Tetranychus urticaria )

60ml/100L water

(larva, nymph , adult)

1 day

Cotton red spider ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus )

PEPPER (Greenhouse)

Two-spotted spider ( Tetranychus urticaria )

60ml/100L water

(larva, nymph , adult)

1 day

Cotton red spider ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus )

EGGPLANT (Greenhouse)

Two-spotted spider ( Tetranychus urticaria )

60ml/100L water

(larva, nymph , adult)

1 day

Cotton red spider ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus )


Two-spotted red spider ( Tetranychus  urticaria )

60ml/100 L water (egg, larva, nymph , adult)

14 days

Usage Form

Carnation: Apply to plants before flowering or after cutting flowers. should be applied. Spraying is done when an average of 10 red spiders are found on a leaf. A single application is sufficient.

Cucumber, Gherkin, Eggplant, Tomato: Control is decided when an average of 5 live red spiders are found per leaf.

Pepper: Control is decided when an average of 3 live red spiders are found per leaf.

Strawberry early season application: In strawberry fields where red spiders are a problem every year, an application should be made when red spiders are seen during the flower and green fruit period (before the first ripe fruits are seen) . Early application is safer as it does not leave residue on the fruits.

Strawberry in-season application: In cases where early application is not made Flowers grown in the open are checked at the beginning of the season (end of March-beginning of April) at 3-5 day intervals. Spider mites are seen on the surrounding plants at the beginning of the season in strawberries. First of all, it is sufficient to check and apply these plants. If the population is widespread, at least 50 leaflets are examined in the middle and lower parts of the plant to represent the field. If 15 or more red spider mites are detected per leaflet, the application decision is made. Application is made immediately after fruit collection. Harvesting should be done by paying attention to the period between the last application and harvest.

Vineyard: In the fight against red spiders, spraying should be done when the population density exceeds an average of 5-8 mobile individuals per leaf. 

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