Home Product ACS Alphac 100 EC

ACS Alphac 100 EC

Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model

Insecticide (Pesticide)


Active Ingredient: 100 g/L Alpha- cypermethrin

Formulation: Emulsion Concentrate (EC)



Security Information Form


Crop name

Harmful Organism Name

Application Dosage

The time between the last application and the harvest


Apple worm ( Cydia pomonella)

20 ml/100 L water larvae

14 days

Apple webworm ( Yponomeuta malinellus )

15 ml/100 L water larvae

14 days

* Cotton

Helicoverpa armigera( Helicoverpa armigera )

200 ml /da larva

14 days


Sunn pest ( Eurygaster spp .)

15 ml/da; 1st-3rd and 4th-5th stage nymphs and new generation adults

14 days

Grain weevil ( Pachytychius (hordei )

15 ml/da

14 days

Kimil ( Aelia ( rostrata )

45 ml/da; overwintered adult, 2nd-5th stage nymph and new generation adult


Corn earworm ( Sesamia spp .)

40 ml/da, 3 sprayings with 15-day intervals for larvae (Spraying starts when eggs are first detected)

14 days

Egyptian worm ( Ostrinia nubilalis )



Beet flea ( Chaetocnema spp .)

15-20 ml/da

14 days

Leafhoppers ( Cleonus spp )

40-50 ml/da

Shield bugs ( Cassida spp .)

15-20 ml/da


Olive fly ( Bactrocera ( oleae )

25 ml/da 100 L water

14 days


Hazelnut worm ( Curculio )​

40 ml/da

14 days


Helicoverpa armigera( Helicoverpa armigera )

50 ml/da

14 days


Vine monkeys ( Otiorhynchus spp .)

30ml/100L water

7 days

*Not used in the Mediterranean region.

**Not used in vineyard areas where vine leaves will be harvested for consumption purposes.

Usage Form

Since it is effective through contact and stomach, care should be taken to ensure a good coating is applied when spraying.

Codling moth : Spraying against codling moth should be directed according to the prediction and early warning system. The aim in combating codling moth is to keep the trees sprayed with pesticides during the larvae hatching period of each generation and to kill the larvae before they enter the fruit.

Apple Webworm: If there are 4 larvae clusters that have entered the epidermis or spun a web in a bouquet of 100 leaves representing the garden, pesticide is applied.

Cotton - Greenworm : During the inspections, when an average of 2 larvae are found in a 3 m cotton row length, a decision should be made to use pesticides for control.

Cereals - Sunn pest: The main principle in the fight against sunn pest is to apply chemical control against 1-3rd stage nymphs . When the share of 2nd stage nymphs in the population is 40%, chemical control should be applied against 1-3rd stage nymphs and continuing until 4th stage nymphs are seen is the basic criterion in terms of the time of the fight.

Cereal Borer Weevil: Cereal phenology should be monitored when adults first emerge. Spraying should be started approximately 10 days post-emergenceagainst this pest, which emerges gradually from the soil.

Cereal-Wild: The fight against wintering adults is mainly carried out. In order to determine the time of the fight properly, migration movements from the wintering areas must be followed very well. For this purpose, depending on the weather conditions, the movement of the wintering areas is monitored starting from the second week of April. After the first flights are seen, the planting areas around the wintering areas are checked. Fighting must be started immediately in the mass landing areas before the pest is given a chance to disperse and lay eggs.

Corn earworm : If the number of infected plants is 5% or more, chemical control should be applied.

Corn Worm: If the number of infected plants is 5% or more, chemical control should be applied.

Sugar Beet - Beet Fleas: Since the seed used in sugar beet production areas is generally sprayed with a systemic preparation, the plant is protected against the damage of beet fleas for 35-40 days. Therefore, no additional spraying is required in these areas. In areas where seeds that have not been sprayed with a systemic preparation can be planted, it is very important to be careful in combating beet fleas and to start combating without wasting time when necessary. During spraying, the entire field surface should be sprayed and no area should be left untouched by the spray.

Sugar Beet Leafhoppers: Special attention should be paid to the winter hosts of the disease. Harvesting winter crops will significantly reduce the incidence in spring. Cultural methods that provide the plant with a good start, such as proper seed bed preparation and balanced fertilization, will help the plant resist the disease.

Sugar Beet - Shield Bugs: Both larvae and adults damage sugar beets. In warm regions in early spring, they can cause great damage and leaves can be completely destroyed.

Olive Fly: During the pest control carried out in July-August, when the number of adults caught in traps starts to increase, if 1% of the pest in pickling varieties and 6-8% of the pest in oil varieties are detected, coating should be applied.

Hazelnut Worm: When more than half of the fruits approach the size of a lentil (3-4 mm), checks are carried out. In order to determine the adult density, a 3.0x3.5 cloth cover should be shaken. If more than 2 adult insects fall in 10 January at the end of the count, pesticide should be applied.

Tomato- Greenworm : Depending on the size of the field, 50-100 plants are checked and eggs and larvae are searched in the flowers, leaves, stems, fruits and shoots of the plant. If 5 out of 100 plants are infested, control is started immediately.

Vineyard Monkeyflies: In early spring, during the emergence period of the pest, vineyards known to be infested with the pest should be visited two days a week, and if the pest or damage is detected in 10 of the 25 grapevines selected from five places, one from the four corners and one from the middle of the vineyard, chemical control is recommended.

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