Home Product ACS Aclon 48 SL

ACS Aclon 48 SL

Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model

Herbicide (Weed Killer)


Active Ingredient: 480 g/l Bentazone

Formulation: Water Soluble Concentrate (SL)



Security Information Form


Crop name

Weed Name

Application Dosage and Period

The time between the last application and the harvest


Buckthorn ( Cyperus rotundus )

Cocklebur ( Xanthium macrocarpus )

Purslane ( Portulaca )

Red-rooted foxtail ( Amaranthus (retroflexus )

Spurge ( Euphorbia spp )

Tongue-bleeding ( Galium aparine )

Vinegar ( Chenopodium album )

150 ml/da
When soybean has 1-3 leaves and weeds have 2-3 leaves

30 days


Wild mustard ( Sinapis ( arvensis )

Shepherd's Purse ( Capsella bursa- pastoris )

Honeysuckle ( Lamium amplexicaule )

Chickweed ( Stellaria )

200 ml/da
During the period when weeds have 2-3 leaves

30 days


Red-rooted foxtail ( Amaranthus (retroflexus )

Horned bedwort ( Galium tricornutum )

Wild mustard ( Sinapis ( arvensis )

Chickweed ( Stellaria )

Devil's apple ( Datura stramonium )

Shepherd's Purse ( Capsella bursa- pastoris )

Mary thorn ( Silybum marianum )

Donkey lettuce ( Sonchus ( arvensis )

Gray spotted amaranth ( Amaranthus lividus )

Vinegar ( Chenopodium album )

200 ml/da
When the onion has 2-3 leaves

30 days


Red-rooted foxtail ( Amaranthus (retroflexus )

Wild mustard ( Sinapis ( arvensis )

200 ml/da
During the period when weeds have 2-3 leaves

30 days

Pork cocklebur ( Xanthium strumarium )

250 ml/da
During the period when weeds have 2-3 leaves


Red-rooted foxtail ( Amaranthus (retroflexus )

Vinegar ( Chenopodium album )

Devil's apple ( Datura stramonium )

Purslane ( Portulaca )​

Wild mustard ( Sinapis ( arvensis )

Pork cocklebur ( Xanthium strumarium )

200 ml/da

In the 2-3 leaf stage of weeds

30 days

Usage Form

ACS ACLON 48 SL is a weed killer used post-emergence and is generally applied during the 1-3 leaf period of the plants and during the early emergence period of weeds. If the weeds have formed 4 leaves at the time of application, the dose should be increased to 200-250 ml/ da .

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