Home Product ACS Acetam 20 SP

ACS Acetam 20 SP

Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model

Insecticide (Pesticide)


Active Ingredient : 20% Acetamiprid

Formulation : Water Soluble Powder (SP)



Security Information Form


Crop name

Harmful Organism Name

APPLICATION dose And Period

Last application with harvest inter-



Tobacco Whitefly ( Bemisia tabaci )

40 g/da ( larva , adult )


Cotton aphid ( Aphis gossypii )

10 g/da ( nymph , adult )

Leafhoppers ( Asymmetrasca decedens , Empoasca decipiens )

10 g/da ( nymph , adult )


Potatoes Beetle ( Leptinotarsa decemlineata )

6 g/da (larva, adult )

7 days

Tomato ( field )

Tobacco Whitefly ( Bemisia tabaci )

30 g/da (larva, adult )

3 days

Tomato (greenhouse)

Tobacco Whitefly ( Bemisia tabaci )

30 g/100 L water (larva, adult )

3 days


Pistachio leafhopper ( Agonoscena pistachio )

20 g/100 L water ( adult , nymph )

7 days


Apple is green Aphid ( Aphis pomi )

20 g/100 L water ( adult , nymph )

14 days


Peach Aphid ( Myzus persicae )

25 g/da ( adult , nymph )

7 days



Peach Aphid ( Myzus persicae )

25 g/100 L water ( adult , nymph )

3 days

Tobacco Whitefly ( Bemisia tabaci )

30 g/100 L water ( larva , adult )

Greenhouse whitefly ( Trialeurodes vaporariorum )

30 g/100 L water ( larva , adult )


Peach Aphid ( Myzus persicae )

25 g/100 L water ( nymph , adult )

14 days


( greenhouse )

Tobacco Whitefly ( Bemisia tabaci )

30 g/100 L water ( larva , adult )

1 day

Greenhouse whitefly ( Trialeurodes vaporariorum )

30 g/100 L water ( larva , adult )

Cucumber ,


( greenhouse )

Tobacco Whitefly ( Bemisia tabaci )

30 g/100 L water ( larva , adult )

3 days

Greenhouse whitefly ( Trialeurodes vaporariorum )

30 g/100 L water ( larva , adult )


Peach Aphid ( Myzus persicae )

10 g/da ( nymph , adult )

10 days


Cherry Black Aphid ( Myzus )​

25 g/100 L water ( nymph , adult )

7 days

Usage Form

Spraying should be done after the morning dew has gone and in the cool evening. If it rains 6 hours after spraying, the application is repeated. More than 2 applications should not be made in the same growing period.

Cotton - Tobacco whitefly: The economic damage threshold in pesticide control against whitefly is 5 adults or 10 larvae per leaf.

Cotton - Cotton aphid: When 50% contamination is detected after thinning during the seedling period, pesticide control is recommended. When an average of 25 aphids are detected on 1 leaf during the field period, pesticide control is recommended.

Cotton - Leafhoppers : In periodic checks to be carried out at least once a week, if the density of 10 adults or nymphs per leaf is reached and the population tends to increase, a decision for chemical control should be made.

Potato - Potato Beetle : For sampling, the field is entered in the direction of the diagonals and the eggs, larvae and adults of the pest are searched. Encountering any period indicates that the field is contaminated. If the application is to be made against the first generation, it should be done when the first mature larvae (4th period) are seen on the plants. In case of application against the second generation, the egg hatching should be completed. Since the damage that will occur during this period can be tolerated by the plant depending on the insect density, application may not be necessary.

Tomato (field, greenhouse), Pepper (greenhouse), Eggplant (greenhouse), Cucumber (greenhouse) - Tobacco whitefly, Greenhouse whitefly : The greenhouse/field detected to be infested with tobacco whitefly and greenhouse whitefly is entered from the diagonal direction. 50 leaves are collected from the lower, middle and upper leaves every 5 steps. The fight is started when there are 5 larvae-pupae per leaf.

Pistachio – Pistachio leaf psyllid : Application should be made when 20-30 nymphs are seen per leaf as a result of weekly counts on 100 compound leaves , when the majority of the eggs hatch and before the first adult parasitoid hatches and before the sticky layer ( fumagine ) appears on the leaf surface.

Apple - Apple green aphid : Application should be made if 15 out of 100 shoots are infested during the vegetation period.

Watermelon - Peach Aphid : In order to determine the application time, starting from April, the field is entered diagonally and a leaf is randomly picked from the fresh leaves and shoots of the plants every 3-5 steps. In large-leaved plants such as watermelon, application should be started if the number of aphids falling on a leaf is 10-20.

Pepper (greenhouse) - Peach aphid: If the number of pests on a leaf is 10-20 during the checks carried out to determine the application time, it is necessary to start the fight.

Peach - Peach aphid: Application should be made if at least 7 shoots/50 trees are infested with peach aphids during shoot control when flower buds begin to appear.

Tobacco - Peach Aphid: Application should be started when an average of 25 nymphs + adults are seen on a leaf . Application is made when the pest is seen during the seedling period.

Cherry - Cherry black aphid: Application is made between March and October when there are 7 infected branches on a tree.

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