Home Product Abramis 5-30-0

Abramis 5-30-0

Ürünlere Geri Dön

Product Model

NP Fertilizer Solutions


Guaranteed Content

Total Nitrogen : % 5

Ammonium nitrogen : % 2,5

Nitrate nitrogen : % 2,5

Water soluble phosphorus pentoxide : % 30

Registration Document




Crop Name

Foliar application

Drip irrigation or Sprinkler irrigation Application

Outdoor Vegetables (tomato,pepper, eggplant, cucumber, melon, watermelon, zucchini etc.)

400-500 ml/da one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the transplanting period

1-2 L/da one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the transplanting period

Greenhouse vegetables (tomato,pepper, eggplant, cucumber, melon, watermelon, zucchini etc)

400-500 ml/da one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the transplanting period

1-2 L/da one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the early spring

Pome Fruits (apple, pear)

300-400 ml/da one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the early spring

1-2 L/da one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the transplanting period

Stone Fruits (cherry,plum,apricot)

300-400 ml/da with water one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the early spring

1-2 L/da one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the  early spring

citrus and olive trees

300-400 ml/da with water one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the early spring

1-2 L/da one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the  early spring

Vineyard ( stawberry, grape)

300-400 ml/da with water one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the early spring

1-2 L/da one application at 2-3 weeks intervals starting from the  early spring

Industrial  crops (Sunflower, Cotton, Corn, Sugar Beet, Potato, Tobacco, Soybean, colza, Tea, etc.)

200-300 ml/da with water one application at 3-4 weeks  intervals starting from the 4-6 leaf stage of the crops

1-2L /da with water one application at 3-4 weeks  intervals starting from the 4-6 leaf stage of the crops

Cereals ( wheat, barley, oat etc.)

200-300 ml/da one application each at intervals of 3-4 weeks starting from the tillering, stem elongation

1-2 Ll/da one application each at intervals of 3-4 weeks starting from the tillering,  stem elongation

Fodder crops ( alfalfa, common vetch, onabrychis sativa etc.)

300-400 ml/da with water one application at 3-4 weeks  intervals starting from the 4-6 leaf stage of the crops

1-2 L/da with water one application at 3-4 weeks  intervals starting from the 4-6 leaf stage of the crops

Legumes (bean, chickpea, masoor etc.)

300-400 ml/da with water one application at 3-4 weeks  intervals starting from the 4-6 leaf stage of the crops

1-2 L/da with water one application at 3-4 weeks  intervals starting from the 4-6 leaf stage of the crops

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