ACS Cyhalof 200 EC

Category: Crop Protection
Product Group: Herbicide (Herbicide)
Active Agent: 200 g/L Cyhalofop-butyl
Formulation: Emulsion Concentrate (EC)

ACS CYHALOF 200 EC is applied to the emptied flooding fields (gummy) after the plants have emerged, by mixing it with the spreading adhesive contained in the same package, against joint grass, bearded sprangletop and barnyard grass, which are problematic in rice-growing areas. The product should be applied equally to all parts of the field and to cover the entire flooding field. Recommended dosage should not be exceeded. Following the application, flooding fields should be filled with water to a depth of at least 10 cm within 48 hours at the latest after the product has dried to weed level, and kept closed for at least 48 hours to keep the water at a depth of 10 cm.

Plant Name             Harmful Organism Name                         Application Dosage and Period
Paddy Barnyard Grass 75ml+75 ml/da
(Echinochloa crus-galli) Before tillering (2-4 leaves)
Early Barnyard Grass ACS CYHALOF 200 EC + Spreading  adhesive*
(Echinochloa oryzoides)  
Barnyard Grass 100ml+100 ml/da
(Echinochloa crus-galli) After tillering (1-2 tillers)
Early Barnyard Grass ACS CYHALOF 200 EC + Spreading  adhesive*
(Echinochloa oryzoides)  
Joint Grass 75ml +75 ml/da
(Paspalum paspaloides) ACS CYHALOF 200 EC + Spreading  adhesive*
Bearded Sprangletop 150ml+150 ml/da
(Diplachne fusca) After tillering (5-7 tillers)
  ACS CYHALOF 200 EC + Spreading  adhesive*