ACS Revolt 70 WP

Category: Crop Protection
Product Group: Herbicide (Herbicide)
Active Agent: 70% Metribuzin
Formulation: Wettable Powder (WP)

Potato: It is applied directly to the soil surface after planting potatoes in pre-emergence, no other application is required. 50-75 g/da are applied to light soils and 75-100 g/da to heavy soils. 50-75 g/da are used when the potatoes are 5-10 cm tall in the post-emergence. Tomato: 50-75 g/da are used when tomatoes grow from seedlings, when the seedlings catch a few days after transplanting and most weeds come to the surface. When growing tomatoes directly from seed, a) 30 g/da are applied before tomato seedlings come to the surface in pre-emergence. b) 40-70 g/da are applied when tomato seedlings have 6-7 leaves in post-emergence. Soy: It is applied immediately after sowing. No other application is required.

Plant Name Harmful Organism Name Application Dosage and Period Time Between Last Application and Harvest
Potato Red Rooted Pigweed  (Amaranthus retroflexus) 50-75 g/da 42 days
Fat-hen  (Chenopodium album)
Dyer's Croton  (Chrozophora tinctoria) (Mercurialis annua)
Annual Mercury  (Polygonum convolvulus)
Black Bindweed Wild Mustard  (Sinapis arvensis
Bittersweet Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara)
Milk Thistle (Tribulus terrestris
Scarlet Pimpernel  (Anagallis arvensis)
Cocklebur  (Xanthium macrocarpus)
Tomato Common Tumbleweed  (Amaranthus albus) 50-75 g/da 42 days
Fat-hen  (Chenopodium album)
Hairy Finger Grass (Digitaria sanguinalis)
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
Hooked Bristlegrass (Setaria verticillata
Milk Thistle   (Tribulus terrestris)
Soy Red Rooted Pigweed  (Amaranthus retroflexus) 50 g/da 42 days
Prostrate Spurge  (Euphorbia prostrata) (Immediately after sowing)
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea  
Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum