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Sector Tarım A.Ş. organized a collaboration session with the seed giant Limagrain, bringing together its dealers at a session dinner. Fuat KUNDURACI, Chairman of the Board of Sector Tarım A.Ş., emphasized once again that they are always by the side of their dealers and farmers. He explained the construction process and purpose of the 20,000 m² smart production facility. Fuat KUNDURACI stated that the opening will take place very soon and announced that they will continue to bring world brands to the country. Continuing with the words, ‘We have once again brought a world brand to the region,’ Fuat KUNDURACI talked about the productivity policy of Limagrain Tohum A.Ş.

‘As Sector Tarım A.Ş., we have a strong team working behind us.’

Speaking about the fundamental changes of the brand, Fuat KUNDURACI stated that the corporate structure has completely changed, innovations are progressing rapidly, and they are working with a strong team. He also mentioned that they stand by their farmers in the understanding of the new culture brought to agriculture, and introduced Sector TV. He said that Sector TV will come as a new culture in agriculture, while DR. SECTOR will illuminate their path. Thanking the dealers for their participation, Kunduracı handed over to Mustafa YALÇIN.

Mustafa YALÇIN, the marketing manager of Limagrain Tohum A.Ş., talked about the brand’s vision and mission and explained the product quality. ‘We want everyone to win and achieve quality,’ said Mustafa YALÇIN, noting that they are collaborating and that this collaboration is success-oriented, seeing Sector Tarım A.Ş. as the only brand for collaboration.

Responding to questions from the dealers participating in the session, Mustafa YALÇIN expressed his thanks to the Sector Tarım A.Ş. family and all participants at the end of the session.